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  Function            menu_popup - popup style menu

  Syntax              int menu_popup(int left, int top, int right, int
                                     bottom, char frame[], char *title,
                                     int titlejustify, char *command[],
                                     int cmdkey[], char cmdflag[], int
                                     colframe, int coltitle, int colnorm,
                                     int colcmdkey, int colhilite, int
                                     coldisable, int coldishilite, int
                                     colnotopt, int defaultcommand,
                                     unsigned flags);

  Prototype in        menuhk.h

  Remarks             an all-in-one function, menu_popup() is equivalent
                      to calling popup_alloc(), popup_get() and
                      popup_free(), with the flags Quit, Erase menu, case
                      Independent and Wraparound. See popup_alloc() and
                      popup_get for more details about parameters and
                      menu keys.

  Return value        returns zero if ESC was hit, otherwise returns the
                      number of the command selected. This is not the
                      array index of the command. If command[] has 3
                      static text items and a command, and the command is
                      selected, a 1 will be returned, even though the
                      command is the fourth command with a command index
                      of three (command[3]).

  Note                Use menu_popup() when you want a one-shot menu, and
                      the popup...() functions when you plan on keeping
                      the menu on the screen for multiple choices
                      (perhaps when overlaying submenus).

  See also            menuhk.h
                      isHiliteable(), popup_alloc(), popup_free(),
                      popup_get(), popup_restore(), popup_setcurrent(),
                      pophilite(), popunlite()

  Example             see demopop.c

See Also: popup_alloc() popup_get() popup_free()
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